For all of our in person programs and classes please follow these protocols:
Entering the building
Wear a mask (whatever you've been wearing at the supermarket etc or scarf over nose and mouth is fine.) best if you know you can move well in your mask.
If there are other waiting at the clinic door wait 6' away from them before proceeding to ring the bell button with my name on it. (you can text me from your car and i can come down)
Do not enter the building or touch the front door handle. Wait for me to let you into the building.- Once inside the building I will lead you up the stairs and open baby gate to the stairs ect.
We will be using the upstairs bathroom ONLY. At the end of each session I will sanitize the bathroom door handles etc.
Exiting the building is the same/reverse of the above.
During individual in person appointments
Masks are worn by both practitioner and patient. Patients are allowed to remove their mask if they are face down on a treatment table and the mask is obstructive to their breathing.
In our treatment rooms a fan is used to increase circulation in the space and a UV air filtration system is used to disinfect the air. Air movement and UV filtration have both shown promising results in studies on reducing the spread of COVID 19.
Door handles, seating areas and of course treatment areas are all disinfected between each patient.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above protocol please do not hesitate to contact us ( Our goal is to keep everybody safe and comfortable during these challenging times.